
I have always wanted a farm and a little shop of my own. I wish my daily life to intertwine with nature and the changing seasons. I need to grow things and craft things, and I remain ever curious. This blog is just the begining- I hope!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pics and Projects

This is an arrangement that I collected from around the farm earlier this spring.
 I have an obsession with all things bird related and have an extensive collection of abandoned nests that I hope to create arranged art with in the future.


  1. glad to know your printer got all fixed. :) Are those eggs real? I hope I can plant tulips one day... and for them to bloom this part of the country

  2. They are real shells that I found in the front meadow. You may be able to plant tulips as an annual if you refrigerate them first. I am half dutch so they are a requirement around here;)
